Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hame Sutrissa / The skirt in Sutri

Olen aina tykännyt kirjailuista vaatteissa. Ja hameista. Monta vuotta olen suunnittelut kirjovani villakankaalle kuvioita ja ompelevani siitä hameen. Ostin kerran kankaankin sitä varten. Koskaan en saanut aikaan.

I've always loved embroideries in clothes. And I've always loved skirts. For many years I've planned that one day I'll fill a woollen fabric with embroideries and sew that fabric into a skirt. I even bought the fabric for the embroidery one day. But I never made it.

Pari vuotta sitten löysin etsimäni kankaan kirpputorilta, kangaslaarin pohjalta. Se oli lähes 100 vuotta vanha keinutuolin peitto. Toissasyksyn olin raskaana. Kuluneena syksynä otin sakset käsiini, yrittäen kohdella arvokasta kangasta mahdollisimman varovasti, ja keinutuolipeitosta tuli tämä:

A couple of years ago I found it from a flea market, the embroidered fabric I would have wanted to make. It was almost 100 years old cover of a rocking chair. That autumn I was pregnant. Last autumn I finally took scissors into hands, tried to be as careful as I could with this precious fabric, and the rocking chair cover turned into this:

maailman kaunein hame. Aarre.
the most beautiful skirt I've ever had. A treasure.

Fabric: vintage, embroidered by an unknown
Model of the skirt: my own


elif said...

Do you have a "before" photo of the fabric when it was part of the rocking chair? Beautiful. And a wonderful idea.

Tytti said...

Olet oikeassa. Hame on maailman kaunein.

Elisa said...

Se todella on kaunis! Minulla on ollut vähän samansuuntaisia ongelmia kirjontaprojektieni eivät oikein ole edes alkaneet :)

amorabrancasilvestre said...

Aivan hillittömän kaunis.


kaisa said...

Tosi kaunis! Kelpais vaikka mullekin.

Johanna said...

Kiitos kommenteista! Thank you so much!
Elif, unfortunately I didn't take a "before" photo, I should have done it. The interesting thing in the fabric was that it had 2 symmetrical parts in it, so it was quite easy to turn into 2 pieces, back and front, without destroying the embroidery.
Tytti, Elisa, Hillanen ja Kaisa, suuri kiitos kehuista :-).